Background Checks & Employment Screening

Fast, Secure, & Easy to Use
Get Started Today!

Background Screening Service List  orange arrow graphic

Sample Background Check Packages  orange arrow graphic

When the future of your business is at stake, you can't leave it up to guesswork. A thorough background check is vital to assessing whether your job candidate will be an asset or a liability to your organization. You want to know the truth about your candidate's background before you hire. Before you face costly liability exposure, or waste time and money on employee turnover and rehiring.

You are an HR Professional, and we know what you are up against. That´s why at Corra you always get the personal touch. You call us, and we answer the phone. There are no phone menus and no phone banks in Timbuktu. We are there to provide personal service. We customize your background searches to fit your individual business needs. We give you answers not a week from now, but when you need them.

Why Choose Corra?

Easy to use pre-employment screening packages for every job category

You can also customize your own background check screening package from any combination of searches. We will work with you to design the best package of search options to match your screening policy.

Flexible Ordering Options

Integrated with top ATS Systems, maximize your candidate experience with our Swifthire candidating background screening service. We also offer Secure Online Access, Branch Accounts, and multiple levels of access. Corra's capabilities are scalable and can accomodate background screening programs for multi-national operations as well as small to mid-sized organizations.

Personalized Service

Corra's founders and managers are hands on. You need us? Call us. Or contact us by email and we will get back to you ASAP. That's why we call it "personalized service"

Investigative Expertise

Corra's administrators are experienced investigators and researchers. Our expertise enables you to make safe confident hiring decisions.

Our Competitive Pricing

We offer volume pricing. Call us and see if we can match or beat your lowest quote.

No Hidden, Surprise Costs

We don't have signup fees or minimum orders. We offer either flat rate "out the door" prices, or we advise in advance of any mandatory state access fees charged for specific searches.

Fast Turnaround Times

We help you stay on schedule by providing estimates for start and finish times for all background check searches.

FCRA Compliance

Corra Background Checks complies with the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), and keeps you informed regarding compliance and privacy rights issues.

What's in it for you?

 Streamlines your hiring process

 Creates a consistent screening method for all candidates

 Limits your potential liability from bad hires

 Reduces expensive employee turnover

 Minimize Employee Fraud & Theft

  Prevents workplace violence

Next:   Review background check packages and pricing

* * * *
To learn more how Corra can help you with your background screening needs, please contact us at or call us at 310.524.9800. We can customize any background search to meet your unique needs. We offer volume pricing, no signup fees, and no minimum orders.

*Applicant Tracking System and Online Career Center are free with your active CORRA Background Screening Account

Open an Account Now

Sign up now with Corra Group Background Screening. No Signup Fees, No Subscripton Fees, No Monthly Minimums

Call us (310) 524-9800
Gruesome facts that keep HR folks awake at night:
"30% of business failures are due to poor hiring practices."
 - Department of Commerce
"According to a recent study, 67% of job applicants' resumes in the U.S. contain misrepresentations."
- American Psychological   Association
"The average organization loses more than $9 per day, per employee and 6% of its annual revenue to fraud and abuse."
- Association of Certified   Fraud Examiners
"On-the-job violence costs employers $36 billion each year."
- Workplace Violence   Research Institute
"38%-58% of on-the-job injuries can be attributed to alcohol/drug abuse."
- Business Insurance
"The average award in a workplace violence lawsuit exceeds $1 million per case."
- Workplace Violence   Research Institute
"Drug users cost 300% more in medical costs and benefits."
- Crain's Cleveland Business
"According to a national survey, American retail employees stole $10.4 billion in a one-year period"
- University of Florida
"70% of illegal drug users have full-time jobs."
- New York Times

Get an Account Now

Sign up now with Corra Group Background Screening. No Signup Fees No Subscripton Fees No Monthly Minimums

Call us (310) 524-9800