When the future of your business is at stake, you can't leave it up to guesswork. A thorough background check is vital to assessing whether your job candidate will be an asset or a liability to your organization. You want to know the truth about your candidate's background before you hire. Before you face costly liability exposure, or waste time and money on employee turnover and rehiring.
You are an HR Professional, and we know what you are up against. That´s why at Corra you always get the personal touch. You call us, and we answer the phone. There are no phone menus and no phone banks in Timbuktu. We are there to provide personal service. We customize your background searches to fit your individual business needs. We give you answers not a week from now, but when you need them.
Streamlines your hiring process
Creates a consistent screening method for all candidates
Limits your potential liability from bad hires
Reduces expensive employee turnover
Minimize Employee Fraud & Theft
Prevents workplace violence
Sign up now with Corra Group Background Screening. No Signup Fees, No Subscripton Fees, No Monthly Minimums
Call us (310) 524-9800Sign up now with Corra Group Background Screening. No Signup Fees No Subscripton Fees No Monthly Minimums
Call us (310) 524-9800